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Supporting Our Cities with Trees

In 1872, the first American Arbor Day was created to recognize, support & celebrate the planting of trees. An estimated one million trees were planted in Nebraska that first year. With the support of the National Arbor Foundation established in 1972, over 250 million trees have been planted since that first Arbor Day celebration.

Trees are essential to our planet’s health, as well as our own. Trees help to clean our air by removing pollution from the atmosphere. During one year, a mature tree will absorb more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen in exchange.[1] One large tree can provide a day’s supply of oxygen for up to four people.[2]

Trees are also a good investment of our public dollars. Every dollar spent on planting and caring for a community tree yields benefits that are two to five times that investment —benefits that include cleaner air, lower energy costs, improved water quality & storm water control, and increased property values. [3]

In crowded urban settings, trees provide much needed cooling. To design pedestrian friendly streets, large canopy trees are critical. By providing shade and releasing water vapor into the air through their leaves, trees lower surface and air temperatures. Shaded surfaces may be 20–45°F cooler than the peak temperatures of unshaded materials. [4]

Finding space to plant trees can be challenging in heavy pedestrian urban cities. Tree grates are a perfect solution for this type of setting. Tree grates cover space with a surface that people can walk on, but which allow rainwater to run down to the soil beneath. They help to protect the base and root system of a tree while providing easy watering and drainage.

Tree grates do not impede pedestrian traffic or people with disabilities in comparison to tree beds. Tree grates have an advantage over raised tree beds by allowing space for potentially more trees to be added to collect stormwater, without sacrificing walking space. As the tree trunk expands, tree rings can be removed to expand the diameter of the opening without having to change out the grates.

At John Rocco Sales, we represent sustainable solutions for your tree grating needs. Our tree grate products are made from recycled materials, certified ADA compliant and wheelchair friendly. Available in a variety of designs, shapes and sizes, they effortlessly integrate into the cityscape & design treatment.

Help make our city streets more usable and greener at the same time. Consider our environmentally-friendly tree grates for your next project.

[1] European Environment Agency [2] North Carolina State University [3] U.S. Forest Service, 2011 [4] U.S. EPA